Monday 21 September 2015

Well here we go...

We have decided to create this blog to talk about the places we have been and about what we have done in these places! I will write my experiences in English and Alex will write his in Spanish so we can have a different point of view and language!  Hopefully some people will find our ramblings and photos interesting...

Alex on the left, Julian on the right! 

about chop chop let's go

The reason the blog is called this is because my grandmother before taking us out on mysterious trips and excursions as children used this expression to ensure that my sister and I were getting ready at the right time.  It is a homage to her and also the excitement of going off in the car (or bus) to new unknown places...WOO!

about julian
  • I am an English language teacher currently living in Guadalajara, Mexico, but am originally from Brighton, England, UK.  
  • I am obsessed with travel and get as excited about going to little towns down the road as international behemoths.  I have previously travelled to some incredible places and have blogged about them before, but it has been some time!  
  • I love living and travelling in Mexico and my current mission is to travel to every state of the country. I have been to 20 so am getting there (there are 31 and a federal district - Mexico City).  
  • Another mission is to visit as many towns in Jalisco as possible.  Many of my excursions I will talk about here...
  • I LOVE traditional drinking places - Cantinas, Pulquerias (pulque bars), Mezcalarias, Tequilarias etc.  I will post often about artisanal beers from Mexico as well as other amazing drinks and things to eat.   

acerca de alex.
  • Trabajo en la industria de la electrónica y soy maestro de español como lengua extranjera, 
  • Originario de Guadalajara, Jalisco. México.
  • Mi intención es relatar acerca de lugares de la República Mexicana, como pequeños pueblos y grandes ciudades; lugares qué visitar, atracciones, museos, bares y restaurantes. 
  • Me fascina la cultura nacional: bebidas, gastronomía, tradiciones y toda la herencia indigena y extranjera que hace que el país sea diverso y con tanta riqueza.
  • Me puedes encontrar gritando en la lucha libre o comiendo chapulines en quesadillas.

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